I realize how long it's been since I posted and for that I am very very sorry. It's been stupid busy around our happy shack lately. My birthday was on the 14th, and for that Dan had a great weekend ready for me. We went to the city and shopped on the Saturday, he gave me a bunch of cash and said get whatever you like, so I stocked up my meager (then anyway) wardrobe with some tops, some dainty underthings, and some new jeans. Sunday we went out for breakfast, then off golfing, to our regular season scheduled slo-pitch game, and then out to Macoun for a relaxing drive and a coffee. It was a busy, but relaxing, weekend.
Then this past weekend we were roped into playing a ball tournament. Busy weekend, yes. Relaxing weekend... uh, a loud resounding No. 40 + Degree heat, 7 games in 2 days, and we won the B Side Finals. No air conditioning in the vehicle made it even worse with the hour drive to the park where we were playing, starting each day off with a 9 a.m. game and a temperature already into the 30s., with a humidity that felt like it was in the 50s.
In all that heat I even managed to catch a summer cold, which is still with me, although slowly getting better, and I feel like hell.
We each took the day off yesterday to head into the U.S.A. for the North Dakota State Fair. It was a slower day and a cooler one, which made it perfect in our books for fair going. We took in a beach party concert and a classic car show at the end of our evening to make for an excellent day. But the deer we almost hit on the way home was certainly a damper on our fun. We encountered 2 others on the rest of the drive home, but not nearly as close of a call as the first one who crossed our path... literally... about 10 yards up from us on the highway. Dan hit the brakes, HARD, and we managed to slow enough that he was more than halfway across the road, so Dan let off the brakes and went around him. Thank goodness for no oncoming traffic. But when we went around the deer, he was sooo close. I could have reached out the window (had it been open) and slapped it on the way by it was so close to us. It was certainly a very frightening experience.
But, I'll work on a few new posts over the next couple days and try to get something new wrote up here. Sorry for the lack of new reading material.